Dating THEN & NOW !
DATING THEN -v- DATING NOW – Jimmy Junior has never had it so good !
Read about the effort it took Jimmy’s great grandfather James Senior to find a date – in the days before the internet, mobile phones, texting, etc.
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Dating – THEN
This is what James Senior had to do to achieve the same level of dating success his great grandson now takes for granted.

Dating – NOW
This is what Jimmy Junior does to find a date, chat online and meet up with single ladies – how times have changed.
James Senior
James, the Great Grandfather of Jimmy Junior, was born before the birth of the internet, mobile phones, emails, text, etc. He still considered himself lucky however, because electricity had been invented and if he walked 3 miles into town there was a public phone box he could use.
To secure a date, James would have to know who the unattached ladies in his local area were. The trouble is he wouldn’t know whether they were single or not, so he would have to walk the streets knocking doors. He would probably to be confronted by an overprotective mother or irate husband, but perseverance on his part would mean he had a list of local ladies to contact.
His next task would be to write them a letter introducing himself, and that would have to be done by hand as computers and printers hadn’t been invented yet. There were typewriters of course but they cost more than James’ annual salary and even then each letter had to typed individually.
After saving up for the stamps he would have posted his bundle of letters and waited up to a week for them to be delivered and another week for the possibility of a reply. If no replies were forthcoming then poor James was forced to widen his circle and it would mean him being out pounding the streets again. If he’d exhausted his list of local ladies it would mean a visit to the neighbouring town at least, or even throughout the whole County. All this just to search for potential single females who might want a date with him.
He didn’t have a car but there was the weekly bus service and he could always borrow his cousin’s horse of course.
After months of trying, and spending most of his weekly wage on paper, envelopes and stamps, James may get lucky and a reply lands on his doormat. Excited at the prospect of finally securing a date he knows nothing about his potential life partner.
She hasn’t mentioned much about herself at all in the letter, except that she lives with her parents. He doesn’t even know her age, as a lady never reveals such information so soon. Is she blonde, or brunette, does she like the novels of George Bernard Shaw, has she seen any Charlie Chaplin or Buster Keaton movies, what does she think of the latest modern style of music by George Gershwin. So many questions and no quick way of getting those answers.
Nevertheless James Senior wasn’t going to let this little filly slip through his fingers and after 4 years of letter writing they finally met up for their first ‘proper’ date. It only took five more years of getting to know each other and they were married.
Jimmy Junior
Jimmy, the great grandson of James Senior, was born in an age when the internet, mobile phones, emails, and text, etc. are second nature to him. Jimmy doesn’t bother walking to town, he hops into his car or orders things he needs online for delivery to his door.
Jimmy’s registered at so finding other singles is really easy for him. He can search and browse the whole of the UK or filter results to a specific area. He can use his laptop or mobile phone to browse the personal profiles which includes photographs and personal details for that person.
He knows what their likes and dislikes are without even asking them, it’s all there for him to read when he goes online. He knows their favourite films, music, whether they have a cat, do, wear glasses, etc. by simply reading their online profile. Jimmy likes redheads so he also takes advantage of Website Dating’s technology that filters hair type, build, social habits, age, etc.
It’s really easy to contact potential dates too, with online messages he can communicate with them quickly and easily.
Sometimes he doesn’t even have to make the first move, he checks his inbox regularly and single girls have looked at his own profile and photos – they like what they’ve seen and read, and they contact him direct.
Jimmy doesn’t know how lucky he is – how times have changed !

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Online dating websites have completely transformed how we meet our potential partners in love.
Our old Dating Agency clients had to take weeks or months to slowly nurture a loving relationship, very often communicating only by letter with very occasional meetings being the only real opportunity to learn their suitors personal habits, likes and dislikes.
Online dating website profiles now contain more information about love matches than those early pioneers of matchmaking could possibly hope to learn from years of love letters passing to and fro between those two lonely hearts.
We need to boost our membership. Poor Stanley has been looking for love since the early 1940's, and Renee has been a lonely heart for as long as she can remember. We need to inject new blood into our Dating Agency so please press the button. It's completely free of charge so there's nothing to lose and plenty to gain.
Dating - THEN & NOW
Read about the effort it took Jimmy’s Great Grandfather to find a date - in the days before the internet, mobile phones, etc. MORE
Behind The Scenes
Take a glimpse behind the scenes of the Dating Agency to see how website dating might have looked in the early days. MORE
Pick Of The Dating Profiles - New Members - BACK IN THE DAY
Each month our resident roving profile checker Charlie O’Connell brings you his choice of the latest dating agency members .... as they might have looked in ‘the old days’ of course. SEE MORE
Charlie also writes for our new BLOG, where you’ll find lot's of useful articles, top dating tips, plus help & advice,