Behind The Scenes of a Website Dating Agency
How Times Have Changed !
Take a glimpse behind the scenes to find out how Website Dating got started.
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The Management Team

Mission Control back in the day.
Mr. D.A. Prendergast – Managing Director (Standing)
Ms. Protheroe – P.A. to Mr. Prendergast (Seated)
Flt. Lt. Jefferson – Technical Director (Seated)
Website Dating was established by Mr. D.A. Prendergast and his good friend and neighbour Flight Lieutenant Jefferson after they met at the annual cheese rolling contest in the local village.
Prendergast provides the financial backing and ex fighter ace Jefferson provides the technical know how. Ms Protheroe provides everything else.
Wilma Inputs Data

Data Inputting Machine - DIM Mk2
Wilma Waterside – Senior Data Input Person (Standing)
Wilma Waterside is about to input the profile for the latest dating agency member into the DIM Mk2. She has spent the last 7 hours interrogating them about their likes and dislikes and casually extracted information about their sexual preferences, as well as jotting down details about their body build, hair colour, etc. which she discreetly hides under the top layer of paper due to data protection.

George waits paitiently for Someone to Send a Message
George McCarthy – Instant Message Sender (Seated)
George spends all day at his work station, never moving from the equipment, waiting for a member to send a message to another member. It’s at that precise moment he springs into action and presses the buttons to make it all work. We are unable to show you the exact procedure after a bad case of industrial espionage, but trust us it works – like magic.
Known to his colleagues as ‘Quick Fingers’ McCarthy, George has worked at Website Dating for over 72 years and has only had 2 days off with illness due to a bladder infection which proves no problem for him now after he was presented with a gold plated urine bottle for long service.
Prior to the invention of the ‘Instant Message Sending Machine’, George (Quick Fingers) McCarthy was known as George (Twinkle Toes) McCarthy.
It was his job to run to a dating members house, hand them a tin can, unroll up to 34 miles of string, run to the other members house, hand them a tin can as well, then run back to the first members house and tell them that the chat room was now open for business.

Customer Service

Customer Service Team
Pictured (from front to back or back to front if you’re standing on your head):
Agnes Stourbridge (Seated – At Front)
Mrs. Mingleton-Barnaby-Smythe (Seated – In middle of picture on the left though slightly more towards the back than the front but still the middle nonetheless … with dark piping around the collar of her jacket …. behind Agnes Stourbridge who is seated in front of her and in front of Gloria Jones who is standing behind her)
Gloria Jones (Standing)
The Data Centre

Dating Data Centre
Stanley Marbles – Data Centre Team Leader (Crouched Down)
It takes a massive amount of computing power to ensure the smooth running of Website Dating – Just to calculate how much computing power was needed a data centre the equivalent of 147 double decker buses was built which calculated that we needed another data centre the equivalent of 394 olympic size swimming pools for the website itself.
Imagine 1 of these, now imagine it 147 times – that would fill your whole screen.
Online dating websites have completely transformed how we meet our potential partners in love.
Our old Dating Agency clients had to take weeks or months to slowly nurture a loving relationship, very often communicating only by letter with very occasional meetings being the only real opportunity to learn their suitors personal habits, likes and dislikes.
Online dating website profiles now contain more information about love matches than those early pioneers of matchmaking could possibly hope to learn from years of love letters passing to and fro between those two lonely hearts.
We need to boost our membership. Poor Stanley has been looking for love since the early 1940's, and Renee has been a lonely heart for as long as she can remember. We need to inject new blood into our Dating Agency so please press the button. It's completely free of charge so there's nothing to lose and plenty to gain.
Dating - THEN & NOW
Read about the effort it took Jimmy’s Great Grandfather to find a date - in the days before the internet, mobile phones, etc. MORE
Behind The Scenes
Take a glimpse behind the scenes of the Dating Agency to see how website dating might have looked in the early days. MORE
Pick Of The Dating Profiles - New Members - BACK IN THE DAY
Each month our resident roving profile checker Charlie O’Connell brings you his choice of the latest dating agency members .... as they might have looked in ‘the old days’ of course. SEE MORE
Charlie also writes for our new BLOG, where you’ll find lot's of useful articles, top dating tips, plus help & advice,